Avery Old Jubilation

Here are my first attempts at beer photography... This is Avery's Old Jubilation. In my favorite beer glass. I bought a six-pack of this stuff on a whim recently, and I have to say it's one of the better purchases I've made. This is a truly superb beer, especially for the price. It's absolutely gorgeous to look at, which is why I was inspired to photograph it. I think the results are mixed, but hopefully you get some idea-- it has a lovely mahogany brown color, and pours with a nice tan head. The nose is mostly malt, with a touch of alcohol (it's 8%, so I suppose it figures) and a hint of spice.

Malt, malt and more malt: that's what you get from this beer. It's not particularly boozy (once you get past the nose) and not especially thick in mouthfeel. But the complexity of malty flavors is quite nice. And it improves substantially as it warms (a benefit of my beer glass is that one doesn't have to wait too long for this to happen). A great winter beer.
My sister and I went to the Belgium Beer bar in Greenwich Village in New York last weekend. I tried some Delerium Tremens if for no other reason than the story you guys tell about that other bar with all the elephant signs... I was very unsophisticated and didn't like it, and couldn't tell you why, really. I wish you had been there to give some guidance! It was really an opportunity missed.
P.S. Nice beer photos.
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